Forgive each other

forgive each other lettering

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32

How much has God forgiven me?

You know yourself. You know all the things that everyone else knows about you, and also every secret you keep hidden—your open words and deeds and your private thoughts. Ask yourself, how much has God forgiven me?

Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God shows His love to us and forgives all our wrongs. Because of this, we are transformed and can come to Him as our Father. We are full of appreciation and thankfulness and praise. This realization of how much God has forgiven in us should then bring about a new way of treating each other.

We are to forgive in the same way we have been forgiven. This means we are to forgive everything. (Yes, everything!) If someone is hurtful towards us, if they have fallen into some terrible things, we are to forgive them with the same love that God has shown to us, regardless of how they respond.

God has shown us gentleness, grace and affection. His love overwhelms our selfishness, and gives us the ability to love one another. He forgives us, and renews who we are. This is how we should treat others as well. How much has God forgiven in each of us? So also, we can forgive others.

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