Power & love

power and love lettering

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and self-control. – 2 Timothy 1:7

Do you ever think about being a hero?

Overcoming impossible odds, rescuing someone, standing bravely, winning adoration and praise for your daring victories…

God says this is exactly who we can be. We are given courage to face problems and obstacles in our daily life, we can be enduring in any circumstance, we can be bold when standing for what is right.

This is the bravery that comes from knowing God is always with us. His power is inside us and all around us. We are brave, not because of our own strength but because we are accompanied by the Creator of all things who is always victorious.

Best of all, our heroic feats are accomplished through love—God’s love in us and flowing out to others. Be daring in God’s power, and fearless in His love.

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